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Steve Gilliard, 1964-2007

It is with tremendous sadness that we must convey the news that Steve Gilliard, editor and publisher of The News Blog, passed away June 2, 2007. He was 42.

To those who have come to trust The News Blog and its insightful, brash and unapologetic editorial tone, we have Steve to thank from the bottom of our hearts. Steve helped lead many discussions that mattered to all of us, and he tackled subjects and interest categories where others feared to tread.

Please keep Steve's friends and family in your thoughts and prayers.

Steve meant so much to us.

We will miss him terribly.

photo by lindsay beyerstein


Jo Public: "Dinsy Imus"

That whole cowboy thing - sheesh

Thanks to Jo Public for this great piece!


“Howard Kurtz, media critic for The Washington Post and host of CNN’s ‘Reliable Sources,’ said Imus is known for his comedy, but, he said ‘the problem is... his comedy too often strays into the offensive.’

Kurtz, whom Imus once called a ‘boner-nosed, beanie-wearing Jew-boy,’ said Imus may now understand that his remarks about the Rutgers team crossed the line.

‘Imus should be held accountable for some of these offensive things that he says, but there is also a good side to Don Imus, and I don’t think that should be completely obliterated in all of this chest thumping,’ he said.”

I liked it better in the original British:

Presenter: Another man who had his head nailed to the floor was Stig O’Tracy.

Interviewer: I’ve been told Dinsdale Piranha nailed your head to the floor.

Stig: No. Never. He was a smashing bloke. He used to buy his mother flowers and that. He was like a brother to me.

Interviewer: But the police have film of Dinsdale actually nailing your head to the floor.

Stig: (pause) Oh yeah, he did that.

Interviewer: Why?

Stig: Well he had to, didn’t he? I mean there was nothing else he could do, be fair. I had transgressed the unwritten law.

Interviewer: What had you done?

Stig: Er... well he didn’t tell me that, but he gave me his word that it was the case, and that’s good enough for me with old Dinsy. I mean, he didn’t *want* to nail my head to the floor. I had to insist. He wanted to let me off. He’d do anything for you, Dinsdale would.

Interviewer: And you don’t bear him a grudge?

Stig: A grudge! Old Dinsy. He was a real darling.

- posted by Jo Public

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