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Steve Gilliard, 1964-2007

It is with tremendous sadness that we must convey the news that Steve Gilliard, editor and publisher of The News Blog, passed away June 2, 2007. He was 42.

To those who have come to trust The News Blog and its insightful, brash and unapologetic editorial tone, we have Steve to thank from the bottom of our hearts. Steve helped lead many discussions that mattered to all of us, and he tackled subjects and interest categories where others feared to tread.

Please keep Steve's friends and family in your thoughts and prayers.

Steve meant so much to us.

We will miss him terribly.

photo by lindsay beyerstein


me: "American Enough?"

Walter Sobcek: "Dude, 'Asian American,' please..."

Thanks to reader "me" for this insightful post on what it means to be "not mainstream looking" in contemporary media coverage - THANKS ME!

Clinton Campaign Accused of Snub to Ethnic Media Reporters

SAN FRANCISCO Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential campaign barred reporters with prominent Chinese-language news organizations from a fundraiser last week, angering some journalists who serve this city's sizable Asian-American community.


Reporter Portia Li of the World Journal - a Chinese-language paper run independently from offices in San Francisco and other North American cities - said she arrived about five minutes late. When Li showed her business card, the staffer asked for two forms of identification, which Li said she found insulting because she never had to do so at similar events.

"She kept saying this is only open for local media, not foreign press," Li said. "I told her, I'm not foreign press. I'm local media."

When we used to live on the Upper West Side, and when Hillary was running for Senate the first time, I remember the hordes of Lazio and Clinton peeps perched in front of the subway station stops. The Hillary people never gave me literature but the Lazio people did. Apparently, I looked like a foreign national to the average limo liberal despite my 35 years of living and my "Standard American" accent so it was clearly a huge waste of time and money to give me face time and a pamplet. Besides, Asians don't count --- our numbers are too few, and we are the other white meat anyway --- when we move into neighborhoods, the property values don't crash, right? We're not white but not SO dark...

In the case of the California, I think that alot of Asians are delusional in their self-importance. This is especially the case in San Francisco. If SF is SO Asian-centric, where the hell is the Asian American mayor?

- posted by "me"